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justyna kopania
640 Deviations


11 min read

"Arte e Psiche: il talento di Justyna Kopania La scoperta dell’uomo attraverso la psiche, un viaggio infinito dalle mille sfumature"
"L’irrazionalità e la negazione della ragione sono le peculiarità più importanti che hanno portato all’introduzione della ricerca introspettiva nell’uomo (elemento fondamentale del Romanticismo), e Justyna Kopania è ancora oggi una delle massime ricercatrici umane della pittura.
Nonostante l’incognita su età e provenienza, questa talentuosa pittrice ha saputo mostrare una fin troppo chiara crescita in fatto di caratterizzazione pittorica facendo divenire i suoi pregiatissimi dipinti autentici “specchi emotivi”. La definizione in sé non è per nulla cosa comune a tutti, ma utilizzo una sua stessa dichiarazione per chiarire il concetto: “L'uomo è la mia ispirazione principale e quest'uomo è il tema principale del mio progetto. Mi sto concentrando sulla sua psiche, sugli atteggiamenti, sul suo aspetto, i modi e tutti i complessi processi che avvengono sia all'interno che all'esterno del suo essere”. Appare semplice, no? eppure quando scoprii per la prima volta quest’artista pensai subito che la più grande ispirazione la trovasse nel silenzio: mi colpii un quadro dove era raffigurata una nave che, nel cielo imbrunito, rimaneggiava nel porto attorniata da molte barche e quasi attraversata da uno stormo di gabbiani. La tecnica pittorica era notevole: colori ad olio, molti di questi sfumati ed opachi ma mai troppo in contrasto e soprattutto, cosa più evidente, l’uso della spatola è netto e quanto mai essenziale.
Tra le caratteristiche che più prediligo di quest’artista è per l’appunto la visibilità del suo lavoro materiale: si può proprio vedere il segno degli strumenti, l’incrostazione del colore, la divisione fra l’una e l’altra traccia di colore; in sé qualcuno potrebbe certamente obiettare che è un brutto esempio di tecnica eppure, almeno secondo me, è esattamente il contrario: il segno del colore serviva per stimolare la mente, indissolubilmente legata all’aspetto materiale delle cose, incidere ulteriormente su quei particolari che noi stessi tralasciamo nella realtà. Le onde del mare, i gabbiani, così come le foglie autunnali e i colori delle città assumevano perciò una profondità molto interessante grazie a questo semplice fatto; un’influenza iniziata dal grande Van Gogh, il quale spalmava letteralmente i colori lasciando vistose croste pur di dare profondità e far sembrare più vivo l’intero dipinto..."
" Announces Top Ten Art of the Year 2020"
"Wichita, Kansas – December 23rd, 2020 – As 2020 draws to a close, is announcing the Top Ten Artworks of the Year 2020. Of the more than 10,000 hand-painted reproductions available on the oil painting reproduction giant’s website, these have been the most popular in the most challenging year of this generation’s lifetime.
The Top Ten List includes modern artists alongside some of the most iconic and recognized artists from the Renaissance, Impressionists, Post-Impressionist and Art Nouveau periods and movements...
Top 10 Artworks of the Year 2020:
1.  Renoir – Discarded Roses  (1910)
2.  Rembrandt – The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (1633)
3.  Van Gogh – Starry Night (1889)
4.  Justyna Kopania – Moon (2007)
5.  Da Vinci – The Last Supper (1498)
6.  Gustav Klimt – The Kiss (1908)
7.  Kandinsky – Composition VII (1913)
8.  Gustav Klimt – Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer  (1907)
9.  Edward Hopper – Nighthawks (1942)
10. Claude Monet – Pathway in Monet’s Garden at Giverny (1902)..."
Series of oil paintings “Mist” 2020.Series of oil paintings "Sea" 2020
Series of oil paintings “The Land of Reminiscences” 2020.Series of oil paintings "River" 2020.Series of oil paintings "Harbor" 2020.Series of oil paintings "Landscapes" 2020.Series of oil paintings "Boats" 2020.Series of oil paintings "Clatworthy Reservoir" 2020
"Textured Paintings Can Capture the Essence of Autumn"
"...The colors she used for those leaves ranging from crimson to burnt ochre toward skeletal condition, which will reflect the melancholy shadows on lakes and rivers. Due to her mastery in building layers of oil paint, Kopania seems to keep on showing an evolution in her piece by bringing vibrant styles to the canvas.
To maintain both emotional and technical level, she expresses her deep understanding of applying color to construct shape and depth. Non-traditional media often defines the modern art that she brings as a throwback reminiscent of the great English Romanticist landscape painter JMW Turner..."
"Justyna Kopania’s Surge of Life"
"Justyna Kopania, an artist based out of the Warszawa, focuses her paintings on subjects ranging from human figures to landscapes to visual interpretations of other creative media, especially music. She manipulates the different textures of paint to evoke tactile sensations of movement and life, creating sensory outlets of emotional release for her viewers.
This piece displays a dramatic surge of life, demonstrated by the explosive, fiery leaves of the trees in the foreground. Splatters of oranges, yellows, and reds shoot out, expelled from the thin, crisp lines of trunks and branches that contrast sharply with the playful disarray of leaves. This exquisitely textured, almost Pollock-like use of paint juxtaposes against the tame waters swirling serenely beneath the trees, conveying both the vibrancy and peace of the autumn season. The mountains in the background – stark and almost cartoonish in their flatness – provide a more rigid contrast to the organic, intermingling flow of the water..."
"Justyna Kopania作品欣赏"
"波兰的艺术家Justyna Kopania创作了这一系列惊艳的油画作品,她用不同的工具画出不同的纹理效果,用调色刀厚涂的天空、古老的船只和飞溅的海浪展现出海洋气势磅礴的忧郁魅力。"

"Top Ten of 2019"

"As the year draws to a close, we here at would like to reflect on the trends driven by our customers. We are always striving to provide the best possible art choices and in order to do that we listen to the demand of our clients. These paintings were the most popular pieces of 2019. We are proud to have helped so many people find the perfect art for their home and office.

1. Justyna Kopania – Moon
This piece, created by one of our most popular contemporary artists, captures the relaxing atmosphere of a moonlight river. Kopania is a Polish painter who tries to capture the essence of her subject by using bold brushstrokes and amazing color. She is able to achieve her goal of presenting a recognizable surrounding in a new perspective.

2. Pierre-Auguste Renoir – Discarded Roses
Though categorically a still life, Discarded Roses feels as though it has movement thanks to the light and fleeting feeling created by the artist’s Impressionist techniques. In his later years, with his health failing, Renoir turned from his lively scenes of social life to more introspective subjects. Discarded Roses is one of the most moving pieces from this period. Renoir’s beautiful depiction of the roses, including a luxurious display of texture and color, is something truly stunning to behold.

3. Claude Monet – Pathway in Monet’s Garden at Giverny
Claude Monet spent years honing his craft, much of which he did in his very own garden. It’s no surprise that flowers and other natural elements make up so much of his work, as in Pathway in Monet’s Garden at Giverny. This painting focuses on a broad range of colors and textures to create an utterly gorgeous and unique view of nature. The color of pink, red, green, and purple are absolutely electric, yet they still reflect the true colors of flowers. Despite the vivid color palette, there’s a peaceful atmosphere that makes it utterly pleasing to look at.

4. Gustav Klimt – The Kiss (Full view)
The Kiss is one of the most iconic Klimt pieces and is often recognized in pop culture. With its overtly erotic themes and incredibly elaborate attention to detail, The Kiss continues to be one of the most alluring and eye-catching works of art in history. Painted during Klimt’s Golden Period, it showcases his Symbolist style with bold colors and intricate patterns.

5. Vincent van Gogh – Vase with Poppies Cornflowers Peonies and Chrysanthemums
In Vase with Poppies Cornflowers Peonies & Chrysanthemums, viewers get a peek into a slightly softer side of the artist with this simple still life scene. The artist’s signature staccato brushstrokes are slightly tamed in this work, which shows how much the original Impressionists influenced Van Gogh’s style. This is a must-have painting for any fan of Van Gogh’s work. It’s beautiful and rich with color, yet it also signifies the depth of skill that the artist possessed..."


 "Contemporary Artists of 2019"

"As 2019 comes to end, we here at think we have had an amazing year full of great contemporary artists. Although we predominately sell reproductions of the old masters, we are always looking for new and innovative artists to showcase to our diverse customers. This year, our top selling artist overall was Justyna Kopania, one of our favorite contemporary painters. That shows us that there is a growing audience for new up and coming talent. Here are some of the other great contemporary artists we think you will love..."


"Художница Юстина Копанья (Justyna Kopania)
Польская художница Юстина Копанья создаёт невероятно насыщенные пейзажи. В её творчестве есть как обычные виды с лесами, полями, тихими тропинками, так и красивые маринистические пейзажи с грациозными каравеллами или целыми флотилиями кораблей. Её работы поражают глубиной и объёмом. Кажется, что в этих красках можно просто утонуть, настолько они захватывают и впечатляют. Главное для творчества польской художницы, как утверждает она сама — это передать атмосферу, а не реалистичность изображения. Именно атмосфера создаёт ощущение счастья и удовольствия, побуждает человека к размышлению и приятным воспоминаниям..."


"Польская художница создаёт пейзажи в необычной технике, к которым хочется прикоснуться
Не жалея красок, используя одновременно несколько стилей и техник, работая с мастихином и кистями, польский художник Юстина Копаня (Justyna Kopania) создаёт ту самую атмосферу, благодаря которой рождаются живописные пейзажи и картины с разными сюжетными линиями. В её работах оживает несметное изобилие цветов и контрастов, дарящих эмоциональный взрыв, спокойствие и умиротворение..."


"Les Peintures à l’Huile texturées de Justyna Kopania capturent l’Essence colorée de l’Automne
L’artiste polonaise Justyna Kopania accueille l’automne avec une série de peintures à l’huile magnifiquement exécutées. Débordant de couleurs chaudes, les peintures explorent les humeurs variables d’un paysage d’automne..."




Art & Decor Trends

Art History

Women with a Brush: Inspirational Female Painters

March 8th is International Women’s Day and we wanted to celebrate by highlighting some of the female painters we find inspirational. We chose women who led movements, influenced politics, and most of all opened the way for later generations to create beautiful art. From the classics to the modern, we hope to provide something to inspire everyone.

Justyna Kopania

Justyna Kopania is from Warsaw, Poland and when she paints she tries to show the world that surrounds us, from another perspective. This is sometimes through the eyes of the child, sometimes music, or someone who looks out the window or out into the street.  Perhaps the world that surrounds us really is quite different than we perceive it every day. She gives us that new, fresh outlook..."


Series of oil paintings "Landscapes"
Series of oil paintings "Venice"
Series of oil paintings "Sea"
Series of oil paintings "Rivers"
Series of oil paintings "Mist"
Series of oil paintings "Boats"
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6 min read

Series of oil paintings " Furia"  2018

Furia by StudioUndertheMoon

22 meters, 58 centimeters - total length of paintings. . The average height - 2 meters. More than 60 kg of oil paint... 13 oil paintings. Over 2,100 GB of recorded video material. 4 months of work. Series of oil paintings "Furia" 2018.

I will crate a "big" movie with all the paintings of the series "Furia".
The film will be about the strength of women, paintings are about the strength of women also, about the fight ... It will be 2 parts of the movie. Part 1 - about women - we will start
making the movie in a few days, part 2 - it will concern the whole series. Then, September 2018, I will work on the next series of large paintings, which will be about the mythological gods along with the ship, “Chaos”. The series will be called “Chaos” and it will also feature large paintings. It will also be filmed, and “Furia” and “Chaos” will be created the unity. 


Unbeatable 2018 Top 10 Art of the Year!

Art will forever remain precious in our hearts as art lovers. The year is at its final moments once again, and we at are here to present to you our top ten list of stunning and groundbreaking arts of these twelve months! Each painting has been selected based on the interest and purchase of our customers throughout the year.

The list is packed with stupefying surprises! From the sudden appearance and rise to the first position made by Justyna Kopania to the last year’s reoccurring piece from renowned impressionist, Renoir, Discarded Roses. There are no dull moments!

#1 Justyna Kopania – Moon…

"Interview: Textured Oil Paintings Express Complex Human Emotions and Ideas

Polish artist Justyna Kopania captures the fleeting nature of time in her expressive oil paintings. Inspired by moments that have “stuck” in her memory, the artist crafts emotive scenes using bold brushstrokes and eye-catching color palettes.

Kopania’s beautiful body of work features a wide range of subject matter, from sailing shipsand stormy seas to pianos and stage performers. Each textured painting exhibits Kopania’s profound fascination with freedom—a concept she strongly associates with the the ocean—and her interest in the “complex processes that take place both outside and inside” each human being."


"Exceptional Fine Art By Artist Justyna Kopania

Van Gogh. Renoir. Monet. Klimt. sells thousands of fine art oil reproductions of these masters’ paintings each year. But there’s one artist who outsells them all by a landslide … contemporary artist Justyna Kopania of Warszawa, Poland..."


"Justyna Kopania: Capturing Raw Emotion on Canvas

As one of the most popular contemporary artists on our site, Justyna Kopania is a great talent that we are proud to feature as our artist of the month for November. She currently resides in Warsaw, Poland where she works from her own studio. A love of art has always been a strong influence on her life and can be seen in many of her pieces. She wants to translate emotion into something that can be appreciated and shared. As she creates new collections, she will continue to provide the world with that kind of wonderful art. That makes her an artist we deeply admire and want to share

Kopania feels a deep connection to many different forms of art, not just oil paints. The opera, theater and music are also passions for her. Many of these themes are in her paintings. Violoncello depicts an elegant cello being played by a passionate musician. Her portrayal of dancers, such as Tango and Flamenco display a delightfully dramatic image of dance. Passing is a piece that shows a theater mask in being held gently as it delicately falls apart. She believes that art in any form, allows us to create, instead of destroy things in the world."
more :…

"Полска художничка "спира" времето

Юстина Копаня не познава табута в творчеството си

Полската художничка Юстина Копаня (Justyna Kopania) е истинско предизвикателство за познавачите на стилове и техники в изобразителното изкуство.

В работите й има толкова много сюжети, такива ярки контрасти на цветове и техники, че с право може да се каже, че тя е един "особен" автор, който не познава никакви табута в рисуването."


"Les peintures texturées de Justyna Kopania

Justyna Kopania est une artiste polonaise qui réalise des peintures texturés dans un style particulier mèlant impressionnisme et expressionnisme.

Des toiles de scènes et de paysages qui reflètent la liberté d’un manière très poétique.

A découvrir dans une interview sur my modern met ici."


Thank you very much for such a great honor of my paintings :)

22 modern masterpiece oil

" European artists began to use oil paint in the XV century, and ever since it was created with the help of the most famous paintings of all time. But in the days of our high-tech oil still retains the charm and mystery as artists continue to invent new technology, tearing apart templates and pushing the boundaries of CONTEMPORARY art.

Website I have chosen works that delighted us and was forced to recall that fine can be produced in any era.

The winner of the incredible skill of the Polish artist Justin digging (Justyna Kopania) in their expressive work sweeping able to maintain the transparency of the fog, the ease of sail, gentle rocking of the ship on the waves.

Her paintings are striking in their depth, volume, saturation, and texture is such that from them it is impossible to look away..."


"Обладательница невероятного навыка польская художница Юстина Копанья (Justyna Kopania) в своих экспрессивных размашистых работах смогла сохранить прозрачность тумана, легкость паруса, плавное покачивание корабля на волнах.
Ее картины поражают своей глубиной, объемом, насыщенностью, а текстура такова, что от них невозможно оторвать взгляд.
Источник:… ©"

" Reveals Top 10 Art for Fall 2015, the popular online and mobile gallery of hand painted wall art, published its annual Top 10 list of most desired oil paintings for the fall season today. The list consists of the most sought after (and for the first time culturally relevant) artworks for the upcoming season..."



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"Desideravo intervistare Justyna Kopania già da qualche mese; seguivo la sua pagina, le sue pubblicazioni e un giorno ho provato a contattarla. Per mesi non ho ricevuto risposta. Un giorno le ho scritto un solo puntino in privato questa volta sul suo profilo Facebook. Passano poche ore e ricevo una risposta. Le scrivo quindi che vorrei intervistarla per la rivista Il Pickwick e le chiedo se posso porle alcune domande. Lei accetta con generosità e scrive, scrive e quasi mi travolge con questa volontà che sembra bucare la rete, con questa potenza che si manifesta non solo nelle sue opere ma nel suo modo di essere. E mentre leggo le sue risposte e tento di dar loro la stessa forza con cui le metabolizzo, mi sento come chi sta intervistando un'artista che resterà nella storia e sorrido della fortuna e della gioia che scrivere questo articolo mi procura. Di seguito l'intervista in italiano e in inglese."

Storm by StudioUndertheMoon
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Sea by StudioUndertheMoon…

Paintings 2000-2004
Paintings inspired by theater, opera, music ...…

Oil painting 2007-2014…

Paintings 2006-2014…

Film with a series of oil paintings "Sea ", " The Land of Reminiscences " and " Nostalgy "…

Film with a series of oil paintings of "Carmen" in 2004…

These paintings are theatrical, exaggerated to show emotions, feelings, thoughts ... this is the "art for art". "Carmen" is the first paintings that I painted. My "Carmen" I painted G.Bizet while listening to opera "Carmen", music from the film by Carlos Saura's "Carmen" and while listening to tangos by Astor Piazzolla, so the music for this movie is Tango by Astor Piazzolla.The main inspiration for me is a man - a very broad sense. And it is "The Man" - is the main theme of my paintings. Both the interior of Human... His psyche belief as well - the look face... - The word -everything that can happen to both the inside out how soul, body...10 years ago created my "Carmen" this is something completely different, clear, simple also difficult - necessitating "viewers" to reflect on the meaning of life, where the man seeks what is..., what it feels .... These are the paintings big, the largest has dimensions 200 cm x 150 cm... Series of oil paintings "Carmen" was inspired by G. Bizet opera "Carmen" and the film of Carlos Saura's "Carmen".To my "Carmen" wrote a script (also writing.) - The whole is a kind of "spectacle" - painting combined with prose and poetry.

Film with a series of oil paintings of "Carmen" II  in 2004…

Oil paintings inspired by the music of Frederic Chopin…;

The collection of oil paintings “Inspirations”…

The collection of marine paintings “The Land of Reminiscences”…

Series of oil paintings, "Variations"…

“Colours of Life” - The collection of oil paintings “Carmen”, “Inspirations”, “Masks”, “The Land of Reminiscences”, "Variations"…

"The time" Series of oil paintings…

Series of paintings 2001-2014…

:) by StudioUndertheMoon

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"Top Ten Contemporary Artist for 2014 Released by Artist Become
Artist Become releases its Top 10 Contemporary Artist List to showcase which artists and their respective styles were the hippest and most desirable on the Market in 2014.

Written by Shannon Yrizarry on December 16, 2014

The online art gallery, Artist Become ( has just released it’s Top 10 Contemporary Artists List for 2014. Leading the pack for the second year straight is Polish artist, Justyna Kopania with Belgium artist Pol Ledent holding second place two years in a row as well. Artist Become is an online artist community that showcases original art of both established and emerging artists around the world...

...Kopania is one of the 2500 artists showcasing their art on Artist Become. Of those artists, 1200 were new to the online art community in 2014. With roughly 48,500 original pieces on display on Artist Become, 13,500 works which were uploaded during 2014, there were a lot of artists up for consideration for inclusion in the Top 10 list..."


Thank you so much to all of you :)
Best wishes :)

justyna kopania…

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2019-2020 by StudioUndertheMoon, journal

:) by StudioUndertheMoon, journal

Interview - IL Pickwick by StudioUndertheMoon, journal

Films with my paintings on my page on Facebook by StudioUndertheMoon, journal

Top 10 Contemporary Artists List for 2014 by StudioUndertheMoon, journal